
Dallas Smith's Blog

My Indian Musical Vacations

My “Indian Musical Vacations” explained

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Having visited India at least fifteen times over many decades, I’ve made friends among the musical community that has enabled me to book events in advance of my visits, filling the two short weeks with musical opportunities.  Another enabling factor is my decades-long study of Indian (Hindustani) classical music, starting in 1975 at Ali Akbar College in Marin County, California.  My knowledge of Indian music has enabled me to collaborate with Indian musicians in both classical and jazz-fusion-world-music concerts...

The Beauty of Ancient and Modern Greece in Photos

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My objective in this blog post is to share some of my photos from the beautiful country.

A Quick Glimpse of Rome

December, 2019

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We spent two tourist days in Rome prior to boarding the Viking cruise ship.  Our hotel was located in the Trastevere section of Rome, an older residential area across the Tiber River from the central city, home to Rome’s most famous architectural landmarks.  

My travel blogs are intended to provide my readers with the vicarious pleasure of my sharing my travel experiences. 


December, 2019

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Ireland had always been on my “bucket list.”  So I’m ecstatic to have gotten the opportunity to visit, even without long prior planning. 

Prepare to be impressed by the Architecture of Abu Dhabi

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Welcome to a quick visual tour of Abu Dhabi. All of the photos below were taken in the course of a two hour bus tour of downtown Abu Dhabi, which is the capital of the seven member confederation, the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Telehealth/Telemedicine: Disrupting Our Healthcare System

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This conference offered insights into what is possible if data is collected on millions of people so that, using Artificial Intelligence (AI), we can gain insight and information that will lead to more accurate and earlier diagnoses, treatments, and better health outcomes.

Old & New Europe: Italy & Sweden in 2019

June, 2019

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Spending only two weeks in Europe is very short when considering all that can be seen and done.  Yet my recent two-week European trip was so intensely filled, that the day two weeks ago when we began this trip seems like some time in the[…]

Welcome to Virtual Reality

April, 2019

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In my long life, I’ve witnessed several major technological revolutions.   In my early music years of the early 1960’s, all musical instruments were acoustic.  Then in the late sixties, Jimi Hendrix led the way to an electric guitar revolution, and music was changed forever.  The Hammond B3 . . .