
Dallas Smith's Blog

My Musical Vacation in India

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My Indian Musical Vacations

My “Indian Musical Vacations” explained

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Having visited India at least fifteen times over many decades, I’ve made friends among the musical community that has enabled me to book events in advance of my visits, filling the two short weeks with musical opportunities.  Another enabling factor is my decades-long study of Indian (Hindustani) classical music, starting in 1975 at Ali Akbar College in Marin County, California.  My knowledge of Indian music has enabled me to collaborate with Indian musicians in both classical and jazz-fusion-world-music concerts...


May, 2022

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This blog will offer photos from four Italian cities: Sorrento, Ostia, Pisa, and Lucca.

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

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Writing this blog on the return flight from Spain to the US, my challenge in writing is to choose which aspects of the trip to highlight. There are more stories than I have the time or space to relate at length. Thus, my brief listing . . .

Istanbul: The link Between Europe and Asia

November, 2015

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How much of Istanbul can one see in a short two-day visit?  Actually, quite a bit, when logging over 20,000 steps/day on my FitBit.  When we first planned our Viking River Cruise, I told our friends Bill and Linn, who were traveling with us, that we would be so close to Istanbul while visiting the Balkan countries, that we must add it on to our trip.  And so, following our Danube River cruise, we flew from Budapest to Turkey, arriving in Istanbul the evening before Election Day. . .

UCSF: The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

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Last week, Susan and I attended a one-day regional conference in San Francisco, hosted by the University of San Francisco Medical Center in their brand-new facility, which just opened this past February.  More about the conference in a minute…But first, what’s wrong with American healthcare?


10/26/2023By Dallas Smith0Travel: Seven Japanese Cities Visited on the Viking Cruise
 This gallery has a blog post attached
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Hiroshima is a beautiful city.  Its present beauty hides the hideous past, in which Hiroshima was the first target of a nuclear weapon.  Its Nuclear Memorial and Museum preserve the disturbing images which every current leader of a nuclear power should be obliged to visit.

Alaska: Mountains, Lakes, and Glaciers

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The Pyramids

World Cruise, April, 2022

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The Pyramids were constructed between 2600-2500 BC. That means that they are the oldest manmade structures in the world.