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Dallas Smith's Blog

The Pyramids

World Cruise, April, 2022

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The Pyramids were constructed between 2600-2500 BC. That means that they are the oldest manmade structures in the world.

Karnak Temple

Luxor, Egypt, April, 2022 World Cruise

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Karnak Temple in Luxor, Egypt, is the second most visited Egyptian tourist site after the pyramids. Karnak is said to be the largest walled temple complex in the world, built, decorated, and modified by over thirty different pharaohs over a period starting around 2000 BC for the next 1300 years.

Jordan: Wadi Rum & Handicraft Photos

World Cruise, April 2022

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Wadi Rum is the landscape used in the hit movie The Martian (starring Matt Damon) and countless other movies.

Saudi Arabia Blog

World Cruise, April 2022

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Saudi Arabia could become a great destination for tourists at some point in the future.  They just aren’t there yet.

Croatia = Game of Thrones

March 2022 - World Cruise

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The medieval walled city of Dubrovnik has been called “the Pearl of the Adriatic.”  The city dates from the 7th century, and existed as a prosperous independent city-state during the Middle Ages, known for its diplomacy and wealth. 

Montenegro Photos

World Cruise

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Montenegro is the smallest of the six countries that emerged at the breakup of Yugoslavia (Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia) after the death of Yugoslav dictator Marshall Tito in 1980.

Murano-Burano Photos

March 2022 - World Cruise

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Murano is famous for its unrivaled glass designs. Burano is famous for its historic production of lace as well as its brightly colored buildings. Below are samples of both islands.

Venice Photos


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This week marks my second visit to Venice. The first was in 2004. My opinion remains unchanged: Venice is one of the most interesting cities on the planet.


March 2022 - World Cruise

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Corfu, Greece, is located offshore from mainland Greece at Greece’s northwest corner, offshore from Albania, which has a turbulent history with Greece.  Corfu is proud to be Greece’s greenest island, in terms of climate.


March 2022 - World Cruise

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Malta is nicknamed the “navel of the Mediterranean” since it is in approximately the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.  Its location has made Malta the object of conquest, starting with the Phoenicians, and followed by the Carthaginians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Normans, Aragonese, the Knights of St. John, French, and finally the British in 1813-1974, when Malta became an independent neutral country.