
Dallas Smith's Blog

Witnessing Global Warming

June, 2023

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Global warming is happening every day. I happened to witness it firsthand during our recent visit to Svalbard.


June, 2023

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Svalbard is a special Arctic landscape that is attracting many tourists.

Aachen, Germany

May, 2023

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This post is being sent from Aachen, Germany, a historic city on the western side of Germany just a few miles from the borders with Holland and Belgium.  Let’s review the difference between the awareness of history in the US as opposed to Europe. 

Edvard Munch

June, 2023

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Following our two weeks in Germany and Sweden, we flew into Oslo, Norway, one day early before the flight to join our Hurtigruten cruise around the Svalbard island chain.  Upon the recommendation of my old friend Per (who is Norwegian but lives in Germany), we . . .

India Blog #4 - Kerala

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This blog presents photos from one of India's most beautiful states, Kerala, home to tea plantations, houseboats, and Kathakali dance.

India Blog #3: Wildlife

February 2023

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I experienced wildlife in India that I had imagined could only be experienced on an African safari.

Mysore, India

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Mysore is a city of two million in southern India. Two million is considered a moderate size city in India. The Mysore Palace is the second most visited building in India after the Taj Mahal, and for good reason as these photos will show. The 27th Maharaja of Mysore still occupies half of the palace with his family. The Indian government occupies 20 percent, which it uses for official meetings and as a reception area for honored guests. And the remaining 30 percent is open for public tours, from which the photos below are taken.

India Blog #1

February 2023

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Words are inadequate to describe India, absent firsthand experience. But I’ll try…

Ten Days in Israel

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This blog was written during our ten-day visit to Israel.  My wife Susan’s sister Aliza has lived in Israel for decades.  In our thirty-five years of marriage, Susan and I have visited Israel at least a dozen times.  Israel is a dynamic society of high-achieving hard-working people.