
Dallas Smith's Blog

Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO recognized site

Scenic Islands & an amazing Cave

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Ha Long Bay Vietnam is a unique location, famous for its thousands of scenic islands in the bay.  Our tour took us to a magnificent cave inside one of the islands.  The photos from this area will tell the story better than my words.


Final World Cruise

May, 2022

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In this blog I will share photos from several ports that did not receive blogs dedicated to them.  After the photos, I summarize my thoughts and lasting impressions of the world cruise.

My 2016 Visit to Stockholm, Sweden

April, 2016

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I’ve visited Stockholm, Sweden, over a dozen times during the last forty years, for weeks or months at a time, I’m once again reminded of why it is one of my favorite cities in the world, and indeed, why I love Sweden in general...

Swedish Traditions versus Anti-Immigrant Populism

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Entering Israel from Jordan

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The difference between the Israeli and Jordanian sides of the Jordan Valley is striking.  The Jordan side has relatively poor villages surrounded by fields of vegetables, fruits, and olive trees.  The Israeli side looks more like California’s central valley…large lush fields not showing any lack of irrigation resources.  The residences visible from the road were more “middle class” in quality compared with the simple Jordanian residences. . .

India Blog #3: Wildlife

February 2023

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I experienced wildlife in India that I had imagined could only be experienced on an African safari.

Paradise Near Seattle: Whidbey Island

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The Pyramids

World Cruise, April, 2022

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The Pyramids were constructed between 2600-2500 BC. That means that they are the oldest manmade structures in the world.