
Dallas Smith's Blog

Detroit and the Watson Caring Science Institute Conference Report

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Sometimes life is so packed with activities that it's difficult to adequately report in my occasional blogs. That is my feeling about this past week in Detroit.

Georgia: Savannah and Cumberland Island

September, 2014

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Columbus, Georgia, is the place I spent the first two decades of life, where I attended public school. But my real "ties to the land", my "roots", are actually to the forty-acre "country place" over the stateline in Alabama across the Chattahoochee River from Columbus. It's somewhat bittersweet to visit the place, since the memories of my departed parents are everywhere. But there's still a smell, a legacy, a longing to hold onto the past, that I feel every time I visit, which is only once or twice a year.

Sweden: A checkered history and changing with immigration

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Germany: World Capitol for Biomass Energy

A Growing Alternative Energy Source

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This is a blog for those readers with an interest in technology, specifically, the cutting edge of new technology in the development of alternative energy.

A reunion with friends in Kiel, Germany

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Paradise Near Seattle: Whidbey Island

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More Alaska Photos

October, 2013

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As we traveled across the Denali Highway, the 105 mile dirt road through this incredible wilderness, with higher elevation came fresh snow.