
Dallas Smith's Blog

Israel & Palestine through the eyes of this American

February, 2018

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Traveling on the segment from New York’s JFK airport to Israel, I was coincidentally seated next to a guy from Reno.  He was an engineer named Paul, traveling to Israel for his company.  From previous familiarity, I correctly guessed the company, Ormat Technologies. . . 


May, 2022

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This blog will offer photos from four Italian cities: Sorrento, Ostia, Pisa, and Lucca.


March 2022 - World Cruise

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Corfu, Greece, is located offshore from mainland Greece at Greece’s northwest corner, offshore from Albania, which has a turbulent history with Greece.  Corfu is proud to be Greece’s greenest island, in terms of climate.

Germany: World Capitol for Biomass Energy

A Growing Alternative Energy Source

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This is a blog for those readers with an interest in technology, specifically, the cutting edge of new technology in the development of alternative energy.

Paradise Near Seattle: Whidbey Island

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We Are All the Patient Experience

April, 2015

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Rice is a staple of the Japanese diet. Japanese-grown rice costs twice as much in Japan as the same rice sold in other countries. This is because of a convoluted system of distribution and middlemen, which raises the price far beyond the actual and reasonably expected price of rice.

The price of healthcare in America is similarly inflated. . .

Jordan: Amman and Petra

June 2012

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We left our group tour in Turkey to begin a private tour in Jordan, via a two-hour flight from Istanbul to Amman.  As expected, there was a gentleman holding a sign with our names as soon as we entered the Amman airport immigration hall.  After purchasing a visa, changing some money, having our passports stamped, and collecting our luggage, we were introduced to our driver, Mazen, who would be our companion throughout our travels during our short four-day sojourn in Jordan. . .

Stockholm & Oslo

Two of My Favorite Cities

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Many years ago, I was told the following joke which highlights Scandinavian cliché stereotypes: In a ferry sailing on the Baltic Sea, two Danes, two Norwegians, two Finns, and two Swedes walk into the bar. The two Danes clap each other on the back. . .

Welcome to Portugal

December, 2016

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Once again as I arrive in Europe, I’m overwhelmed with the long rich awareness of history and the rich culture. This is the first time I’ve visited Portugal. Susan and I are traveling with our friends and regular travel companions, Bill and Linn, from Georgia...