
Dallas Smith's Blog

The Beauty of Ancient and Modern Greece in Photos

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My objective in this blog post is to share some of my photos from the beautiful country.


March 2022 - World Cruise

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What a difference the distance of three sea days between Cape Verde and Madeira makes!  The country of Madeira, like Cape Verde, also discovered and settled by the Portuguese, is the opposite of Cape Verde...

UCSF: The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

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Last week, Susan and I attended a one-day regional conference in San Francisco, hosted by the University of San Francisco Medical Center in their brand-new facility, which just opened this past February.  More about the conference in a minute…But first, what’s wrong with American healthcare?


December, 2019

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Ireland had always been on my “bucket list.”  So I’m ecstatic to have gotten the opportunity to visit, even without long prior planning. 

A Few Stories from our Weeks in Mumbai

Please view the photo gallery as well--Click on individual photos for short descriptions

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As Susan and I begin the final week of our India visit, in this blog I want to try and describe our day-to-day life during our six weeks here.  We have had such a wonderful time, that we hope to return again at the end of this year.  We played more concerts in our six weeks here than we have in the past year at home in Reno.  The positive audience reception of our Indian audiences was very gratifying.



Stockholm Sweden

June, 2023

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Enjoy my observations about life in Sweden with photos that each tell their own stories.

Montenegro Photos

World Cruise

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Montenegro is the smallest of the six countries that emerged at the breakup of Yugoslavia (Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia) after the death of Yugoslav dictator Marshall Tito in 1980.

Paradise Near Seattle: Whidbey Island

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Our Seventh Week in India

From Mumbai to Khajurajo to New Delhi

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Susan and I had such a good time in our six weeks in Mumbai, that we plan to come again in November for another six weeks. Following a description of our time in Mumbai, this blog introduces the amazing sculptures of Khajuraho...erotic sculptures unique in the world.