
Dallas Smith's Blog

Visiting Three Coastal Cities

These are not typical cruise destinations.

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Our Viking China cruise continued to three port cities I had never heard of before.  The Chinese government seeks to increase tourism, and our cruise is one of the first collaborations with the Chinese government and Viking Cruises.  The ship's staff is 100% Chinese, and the entertainers are all Chinese.  So this particular cruise is different from the usual Viking multi-national staff.

Our ship, the Yi Dun, is named after the first Chinese commercial ship launched in 1872, the Yi Dun.


A Few Stories from our Weeks in Mumbai

Please view the photo gallery as well--Click on individual photos for short descriptions

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As Susan and I begin the final week of our India visit, in this blog I want to try and describe our day-to-day life during our six weeks here.  We have had such a wonderful time, that we hope to return again at the end of this year.  We played more concerts in our six weeks here than we have in the past year at home in Reno.  The positive audience reception of our Indian audiences was very gratifying.



Stockholm Sweden

June, 2023

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Enjoy my observations about life in Sweden with photos that each tell their own stories.

Celebrating With Wine In Portugal

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Christmas Eve in Portugal Sometimes small personal interactions with local residents can color a whole experience of a visit to a foreign country. This happened to me today. My friend Bill and I took the morning excursion from the Viking River Cruise boat. . .

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

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Writing this blog on the return flight from Spain to the US, my challenge in writing is to choose which aspects of the trip to highlight. There are more stories than I have the time or space to relate at length. Thus, my brief listing . . .

Four Mini-Blogs from Detroit

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Musings about Detroit, the Kahlo/Rivera exhibit, the Detroit Symphony, and the Mayo Clinic.

Welcome to Virtual Reality

April, 2019

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In my long life, I’ve witnessed several major technological revolutions.   In my early music years of the early 1960’s, all musical instruments were acoustic.  Then in the late sixties, Jimi Hendrix led the way to an electric guitar revolution, and music was changed forever.  The Hammond B3 . . .

The Magical Kingdom of Bhutan

March, 2016

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How much can a tourist learn about a country in five days? First impressions count. One can draw conclusions from even a short visit that merit more research perhaps through a future visit. Having just spent five days in Bhutan. . .

Israel & Palestine through the eyes of this American

February, 2018

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Traveling on the segment from New York’s JFK airport to Israel, I was coincidentally seated next to a guy from Reno.  He was an engineer named Paul, traveling to Israel for his company.  From previous familiarity, I correctly guessed the company, Ormat Technologies. . . 

Malaga, Spain Blog

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Malaga, Spain, has been called “the Florida of Spain.”  It is an ancient city (second in age only to Cadiz) founded by the Phoenicians almost three thousand years ago.