
Dallas Smith's Blog

We Are All the Patient Experience

April, 2015

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Rice is a staple of the Japanese diet. Japanese-grown rice costs twice as much in Japan as the same rice sold in other countries. This is because of a convoluted system of distribution and middlemen, which raises the price far beyond the actual and reasonably expected price of rice.

The price of healthcare in America is similarly inflated. . .

Fifth Port of Call: Valparaiso, Chile

February 2022

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Chilean wines of world class quality tend to be less expensive than similar European wines due to Chile’s lower labor costs. 

International nurses in Jerusalem, Israel

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Susan speaking at Israel’s first International Nursing Conference was the original reason for Susan and me making what expanded to be a month-long tourist trip to Istanbul, Jordan, and Israel.  Having visited Israel once before, I wanted to visit some new places, as long as we were going to travel so far, halfway around the world.  The International Nursing Conference turned out to be a fantastic conclusion to a fantastic trip. . .

Photos from the River Cruise through Germany and the Netherlands

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Beijing, China

The Forbidden City and the Great Wall

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We began our China tour in the capital city of Beijing.  Though Beijing is a city of 21 million people, it is very clean and efficient...much above my expectations which were colored by my experience of the crowded cities in India.  We toured the famous Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square on our first day, and on the second day we toured a section of the Great Wall of China.

Nude Statues: ISIS's Worst Nightmare

July, 2017

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Norway has more nude statues than any place I’ve ever visited.  This is, in large part, due to the life work of Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland.  For the last twenty years of his life (he died in 1943), Vigeland worked in an Oslo park, creating 212 sculptures[…]

The HHS-Canada Music Therapy Connection

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Twenty-four years ago Susan and I began our healthcare careers with the goal of bringing music into hospitals to create healing environments. This led to the development of the C.A.R.E. Channel, a 24-hour channel that provides peaceful music and beautiful nature images. 

Xue--Vietnam's Historic Capital City

Visiting a Buddhist Pagoda and the Imperial Palace

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The city of Hue is located approximately in the middle of Vietnam and was the seat of royal power from the 19th and into the 20th centuries.  There were thirteen kings who reigned from Hue.  Many of the ancient structures were destroyed during the Vietnam-American War, which have since been restored.  The photos show scenes from the Imperial Palace as well as the three hundred-year-old Buddhist pagoda.