
Dallas Smith's Blog

In Transit From Reno to Istanbul

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This is the first blog post of my current monthlong trip, comprised of a two-week Turkish tour, a few days in Jordan, and finally, ten days in Israel.

Decadence: Wine Tasting in Las Vegas

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Throughout most of my adult life, I've lived relatively frugally.  I don't indulge very often in expensive habits…Skiing is one.  So it is pure decadent indulgence to fly down to Las Vegas for the Wine Spectator magazine's annual gourmet wine tasting.  Indeed, this was a new life experience for me.  I have my good friend Jeff to thank for the invitation and encouraging me to accompany him.

Why I love my job

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A couple of decades ago, my wife Susan and I worked as entertainers on cruise ships.  Often the entertainers sat together at mealtimes.  A common observation was that the job of being a comedian was the most difficult of all the entertainers.  Having to be funny for ten or fifteen minutes before a group of elderly strangers (as well as having to avoid any jokes that might be interpreted as obscene, irreligious, or politically incorrect) was difficult indeed...

I Love My Job

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My chosen professions have not required the type of concentration required by those who hold the lives of others in their hands. . .

Perspectives on Swedish Culture

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This blog post was written in April 2009, while on tour with my Swedish-Indian band, Mynta.

Reflections on visiting Iceland

September 2009

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This blog was written in September, 2009, following my first and (up till now) only trip to Iceland.

We flew overnight via Iceland Air, leaving Minneapolis in the early evening, and arriving in the early morning after a six-hour flight.  We rented a car for our island travels (which was very expensive--$560 for four days in a Subaru station wagon).

Dinner With Pakistanis

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For the past few years, Susan and I have been hosting foreign visitors who tour the US sponsored by the State Department and the Northern Nevada International Center. We have hosted Chinese, Russians, Turks, various Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans. We even provided accommodations to a mayor from a village in Tajikistan for ten days.

Detroit: The Beautiful and the Ugly

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This essay was written in March 2008, with reflections on visiting Detroit and living in Reno, Nevada. Some images are included.

Need some Good Ideas? Read this!

January, 2011

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This essay was written in January, 2011, inspired by the annual session of the Fielding Graduate University, where Susan was working on her doctorate, which she completed in December, 2011.

Good Ideas

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The first general session used as its starting point a book by Steven Johnson entitled: Where do good ideas come from: The Natural History of Innovation. I had not read or heard of the book previously. The discussion was conducted by a group of five or six Fielding professors and perhaps fifteen or so students seated in a circle and lasted three hours.