UCSF: The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

By Dallas Smith

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UCSF:  The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

The new University of San Francisco healthcare complex.

UCSF:  The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

The atrium of the Women’s Hospital.

UCSF:  The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

An infrared projector projects my image on the wall of the Children’s Hospital atrium.

UCSF:  The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

The atrium of the Children’s Hospital.

UCSF:  The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

A typical unit hallway of the Children’s Hospital, complete with art.

UCSF:  The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

The view of the San Francisco Bay from the rooftop garden of the Children’s Hospital.

UCSF:  The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

Hallway of the Children’s Hospital.

UCSF:  The Most Beautiful Hospital Complex I've Ever Seen!

Visitors write their expressions of gratitude on little stickers which then blossom into the Gratitude Tree.

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