
Georgia: Savannah and Cumberland Island

September, 2014

4 Comments on Georgia: Savannah and Cumberland Island

  1. Comment Icon
    09-21-2014 Reply
    Dallas you never fail to amaze me with your writings. You are as gifted a writer as you are a musician. When we were kids we had wild scuppernong grapes growing in the woods behind our house. We used to bite a hole in them and suck out the insides then blow them up again and throw them into the wind to make them whistle. Have you ever done that? I have told Lou that story for years now finally I showed him what they looked like. I had been misspelling the name all these years. My sister is coming from south Georgia on the first of Oct. for 2 weeks and it will be her first time on an airplane. Hard to imagine uh? Anyway great story. I love you. Joanna _____
  2. Comment Icon
    09-21-2014 Reply
    Dallas, I always read your blogs, though seldom comment. I agree with Joanna--you are an amazing writer. You are fortunate to still have your home place still under your control and available to visit. My parents sold the family home and moved next door to us for the final several years of their lives. The purchaser has allowed it to become a one-dwelling slum and the surrounding land to become overgrown. On the rare occasions when I visit that area, it's hard even to drive in front and see what it has become. You make an excellent point about the similarity of the actions of ISIS to events in the history of the United States. Most people are so blinded by nationalism and religion that they can't see that. As brutal as the actions of ISIS are, they pale in comparison to the horrors done in the name of the established church. One could assert that took place a long time ago and is no longer relevant, but there are plenty of "good Christians" who would be delighted to force their views on others through law and through ramming their tenets down the throats of school children in the public schools. This includes some of my relatives. One of them will no longer speak to me because I took her to task for working to insert sectarian prayer and Bible teaching into the public schools. The United States was not founded on the "Christian" religion no matter what some fanatics want to insist! I'll get off my soapbox! Good job with your blog. Elton
  3. Comment Icon
    09-21-2014 Reply
    As always you tell great stories.
  4. Comment Icon
    LaVerne Nielsen
    09-22-2014 Reply
    I would not miss my New York Times or your Blog !

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