
Ten Days in Israel

8 Comments on Ten Days in Israel

  1. Comment Icon
    Mark Ashworth
    02-05-2023 Reply
    Dallas, Good morning and thank you for sharing. I read with interest your insight as to the current political atmosphere. Loved the market pics. Always one of my favorite stops in traveling. Congratulations to Susan for the award denoting her outstanding service to the nurses organization. Enjoy! Mark N.
  2. Comment Icon
    Albert Fichter
    02-05-2023 Reply
    Very well done Dallas to travel and to experience many countries and their cultures. My first and last visit of Israel was in 1967 after the 6 days war. I did pick fruits for a Kibbutz as a volunteer. Since that time Israel did change in many ways,- as I can read in your and my israelen friend Raphael's reports. I wish to you and to Susan a fantastic nice tripp. Greetings from Abi
  3. Comment Icon
    Arthur Rosch
    02-05-2023 Reply
    I love halvah immoderately. Susan, Dallas, you are amazing. You must have collected karma points to live such lives. I'm well. I'm getting reasonably good on the piano. I'm not sure you would believe what I'm playing. I don't, myself.
  4. Comment Icon
    Ginnie Kersey
    02-05-2023 Reply
    What a wonderful adventure! And, your history information is so very interesting.
  5. Comment Icon
    Jim Prosser
    02-05-2023 Reply
    This is sad news I have been partially aware of. I do hope the mission of caring can find a way through the messed up relations of the 2 states.
  6. Comment Icon
    Skip MacEkhannon
    02-06-2023 Reply
    Have only been to Israel once but that, along with a few histories and friends on both sides makes it clear to me that the situation there is an intractable mess. From what I can see, there are serious problems on both sides of the issue, further exacerbated by the current extreme right government in Israel. On the Jewish side, the aggressive moves to expand in to Arab areas, restrictive policies against the Palestinians and general hard line only inflames the situation. On the other side some Arab groups are sworn to fight for the death of Israel and a Jewish state and promote ongoing violence as a method to that end. On my visit to Israel I was escorted by an Israeli that was quite openminded and sympathetic to the Arab/Palestinian cause, He pointed out numerous places that used to be Arab villages and homes that are now either abandoned or taken over by Jewish settlers. But he also pointed out that any citizen of Israel whether Jewish, Muslim, Christion or none of the above has full and equal rights. That of course leaves out the stateless Palestinians. The problems seem obvious but, unless and until both sides show some move towards compromise, no solution in sight.
  7. Comment Icon
    Shanna Carlson
    02-06-2023 Reply
    I always appreciate your views as I know you've traveled extensively and also seem to have a beautiful world view. I'm very sorry about the Israeli/Palestinian situation - it breaks my heart... Shanna
  8. Comment Icon
    Rick Lathrop
    02-07-2023 Reply
    Wonderful photos and commentary about the history and present situation in israel. Thanks much.

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