

May, 2022

5 Comments on Greece

  1. Comment Icon
    05-01-2022 Reply
    A mutual acquaintance has shared your blogs since Saudi, and we have enjoyed them enormously. Your photos are spectacular, particularly handicrafts and museum exhibits. We have been fortunate to spend years in many of the places you have visited on this voyage (Saudi, Oman, Egypt, and Greece) and visited many more. Your photos and narrative have rekindled our deep interest in the area. (Your views of Athens could be seen from the top of the hill (Turkovounia) behind our home in Athens (Filothei). Thanks and please continue. 05-01-2022
  2. Comment Icon
    Christine Szymanski
    05-02-2022 Reply
    Interesting photos in their perspective. I was there in 1968. Chris
  3. Comment Icon
    Jim Carrico
    05-02-2022 Reply
    Dallas, I am enjoying your photos and commentary. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences. Jim
  4. Comment Icon
    05-03-2022 Reply
    wish i could be there! I have a guitar student named Apollo' :)
  5. Comment Icon
    Danne Polk
    09-14-2023 Reply

    After studying ancient Greek philosophy in college, I wanted to visit Greece for the ruins.

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