
Cape Verde

February 2022

6 Comments on Cape Verde

  1. Comment Icon
    Diane Bush
    02-27-2022 Reply
    So fun following your travels. Love to you both
  2. Comment Icon
    Shanna O'Brien
    02-27-2022 Reply
    Thank you Dallas! Very interesting blog and makes me think about all my blessings. Shanna
  3. Comment Icon
    Mary Saum
    02-28-2022 Reply
    We are indeed thankful for the special privilege of living in the United States. I am enjoying your cruise, thanks so much for sharing it with us.
  4. Comment Icon
    Randy Saukkola
    03-01-2022 Reply
    Pictures are so beautiful, Dallas! Your framing is well, fabulous!
  5. Comment Icon
    Valerie Chappel
    03-01-2022 Reply
    Friends of mine were in Chile when you were. They were also on a Viking cruise and waved at your ship. I have been forwarding your blog to them. They tried to sign on but we're unable to do so. Her email...if I am happy to continue forwarding your fascinating reports. Hugs to you both! Val Chappel
  6. Comment Icon
    Melissa J Phillippe
    03-07-2022 Reply
    YES! SO blessed, indeed! Thank you for the reminders.

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