
We Are All the Patient Experience

April, 2015

3 Comments on We Are All the Patient Experience

  1. Comment Icon
    ronnie beasley
    04-13-2015 Reply
    'ataboy Dallas!
  2. Comment Icon
    Daniel Tudor
    04-13-2015 Reply
    Great Job Dallas !!! DAnny
  3. Comment Icon
    Michael Irwin
    04-13-2015 Reply
    I see from your blogs that you’re still traveling, still working, still playing and generally, still enjoying life! Good for you!! I’m not big on travel, still working (maybe a little too much!), still playing, and in general enjoying life! I’ve been doing a TON of repair much that I have two part time assistants. Mary and I are heading off to Mexico for a couple of days this week for a friends “destination wedding on the beach” (they did a Civil Ceremony last year). And in a few weeks we’ll be heading up to the Bay Area to celebrate my Mom’s 92nd BD....we’re taking her to the Indian Casino for the dayJ I make it a point to get up North every couple of months to help with the “job jar”...Mary and I borrow our daughters Prius and make the round trip for around $60 J Our son Pat got married last year! He’s still living in Clearwater, FL. Michelle is still doing her “celebrity” gig and traveling around the world. Paris, London, Hawaii, New York, et al. Fun, but as you know “working” trips are a bit different than “vacation” trips. Mary and I are doing our usual “stuff”. We try to take a walk at least 4 times a week, and when the pool gets warm enough (in about a month) we’ll start swimming every day. It’s Spring!, so we’ve been getting veggies in the ground...tomatoes, basil, peppers, carrots, beets, et al. I’m still playing bassoon in the Glendale Community Orchestra (we’re doing the Sorcerer’s Apprentice this year, which has a GREAT bassoon section solo!). I’m also playing in a WW Quintet. Our very very excellent flute player is leaving for a working year in Japan! Good for her, bad for us. Stay in touch! Michael

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