More Alaska Photos

By Dallas Smith

08/30/2023By Dallas SmithTravel : United States

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An “art” photo of the Homer “beach”.

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This was the view from the main highway, traveling north from Anchorage toward Denali and it’s surrounding mountains.

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Russian influence and heritage lives on in Alaska in the form of many Russian orthodox churches, this one in Anchorage.

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Some of the many sculptures surrounding the museum.

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As we traveled across the Denali Highway, the 105 mile dirt road through this incredible wilderness, with higher elevation came fresh snow.

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From the museum, the newspaper announcing Alaska’s acceptance as the 49th state.

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View from Homer, Alaska, looking across the bay in the late afternoon.

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A gorgeous view of the Kenai Fjords National Park from the cruise out of Seward.

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From the Anchorage Museum, depicting an Eskimo hunter who would stand perhaps for hours, waiting to spear a passing fish.

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The glacier above feeds the river below along the Denali Highway.

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