Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

By Dallas Smith

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Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

Most of the participants in the 2018 Aqaba conference

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

I love Jordanian lamb chops

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

Conference banner listing the values of Caritas

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

Dates, dried figs and apricots for sale

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

One of several nurses discussion groups

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

Street vendor, more similar to India than to Israel

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

Humos, babaganush, and salad

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

One of Aqaba’s largest of many mosques

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

Stewed vegetables, rice, and tahini for the vegan

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

One of Aqaba’s largest of many mosques

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

Fancy hookahs for sale

Middle East Nurses United in Human Caring

Relaxing on the street

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