From Portugal to Spain and Back...

By Dallas Smith

08/30/2023By Dallas SmithTravel

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From Portugal to Spain and Back...

Salamanca interior portico

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

Two-thousand-year-old Roman bridge, still in use in Salamanca

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

Detail of the central dome of Santiago de Compostela

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

Detail of Santiago Cathedral’s altar

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

Detail from the interior of Salamanca’s “old” cathedral

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

St. James cross, on the seashell symbol of Santiago, based on its proximity to the ocean

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

Santiago grand incense burner…Who says Indians burn more incense?

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

One of Salamanca’s two great organs

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

Salamanca “New” Cathedral

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

Santiago Cathedral’s main altar

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

Santiago street around 3pm, siesta time…Bustling with people just a few hours earlier!

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

A banner near the center of Santiago…Pilgrims are not the only welcomed group

From Portugal to Spain and Back...

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