Welcome to Portugal

By Dallas Smith

09/26/2023By Dallas SmithTravel : Europe

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Welcome to Portugal

One of Lisbon’s many ornate fountains.

Welcome to Portugal

Cathedral Interior.

Welcome to Portugal

nner courtyard of the ancient cathedral and monastery, where the 1986 treaty was signed in which Portugal joined the European Union.

Welcome to Portugal

Sculpture within Lisbon’s cathedral.

Welcome to Portugal

Turret of the fortress guarding Lisbon at the river bank.

Welcome to Portugal

Porto panorama. In the foreground, one of the historic replica boats used to carry barrels of wine into the city.

Welcome to Portugal

The fortress predates and survived the catastrophic 1755 earthquake.

Welcome to Portugal

In the foreground, Sandeman Wine warehouses. Porto supposedly has the greatest wine storage of any city in the world..

Welcome to Portugal

Entrance detail of Lisbon’s grand cathedral

Welcome to Portugal

Decorative tiles within the Porto train station which illustrate the history of the city of Porto.

Welcome to Portugal

Porto public statuary.

Welcome to Portugal

Fado (Portuguese folk-love songs) represented in tiles.

Welcome to Portugal

Inside a Port wine warehouse, tour prior to the tasting.

Welcome to Portugal


Welcome to Portugal

Detail of ornate cathedral interior.

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