2016 German/American Reunion in Salt Lake City

By Dallas Smith

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2016 German/American Reunion in Salt Lake City

Prost! Skål! Kompai! Nasdrovia! Salud! Cheers!

2016 German/American Reunion in Salt Lake City

Beautiful panorama overlooking Salt Lake City, Utah.

2016 German/American Reunion in Salt Lake City

After having heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir my whole life, I finally attended their live Sunday morning broadcast concert.

2016 German/American Reunion in Salt Lake City

The Mormon Tabernacle in the heart of Salt Lake City.

2016 German/American Reunion in Salt Lake City

Native American Flutist, sculpture for sale in a Park City gallery.

2016 German/American Reunion in Salt Lake City

Public sculpture in Park City, Utah, a touristy ski town one half hour’s drive from Salt Lake City.

2016 German/American Reunion in Salt Lake City

Greetings from/Grüße aus Salt Lake City!

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