A Tourist's View of Israel

By Dallas Smith

09/28/2023By Dallas SmithTravel : Israel

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A Tourist's View of Israel

A chess set made of candles representing different Jewish figures.

A Tourist's View of Israel

Headwaters of the Jordan River showing baptismal site.

A Tourist's View of Israel

Solar powered water heaters, found throughout the Middle East, Why not in the US?

A Tourist's View of Israel

English version of the bible verse translated in many different languages.

A Tourist's View of Israel

2000 year old Roman mosaic floor detail in Caesaria.

A Tourist's View of Israel

Entrance to the village of Tzvat, also known as Safed.

A Tourist's View of Israel

Rush hour from Netanya to Tel Aviv.

A Tourist's View of Israel

The Bima: the ornate container of the blessed Torah scrolls.

A Tourist's View of Israel

Caesaria’s Roman Amphitheater.

A Tourist's View of Israel

Bima Detail–hand work from the 1600’s.

A Tourist's View of Israel

At sea level, looking down hundreds of feet below sea level to the Sea of Galilee.

A Tourist's View of Israel

The verdant Jordan Valley, green from winter rains.

A Tourist's View of Israel

Ancient Tzvat synagogue windows.

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