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Sunrise out the porthole in northern Norway

One of many fantastic bridges paid for by Norway's huge petroleum revenues

A lighthouse in the Trondheim fjord

>Concert audience at the free outdoor concert in Tromso located in the far north

Photo taken from the ship to a neighborhood next to the harbor in the town of Kristianstad

The concert stage outdoors in Tromso

Farm with a view

Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim, whose construction began in year 1070.

Church located along the 170km fjord leading to Trondheim

Hospital room with state-of-the-art headwall. The patient on a gurney is simply rolled into place. They need the CARE Channel.

Employees' bicycles parked outside Trondheim's medical center. There must be a health advantage to cycling to work in brisk weather.

This village epitomises northern Norway...isolated, harsh climate, but what a view!

A ship chef adds aquavit to fresh salmon sashimi, just sliced from a whole freshly caught salmon, and served to all on deck...Delicious!

Farm houses along the fjord in northern Norway.

Ice sculptures in the Ice Magic exhibition of many different ice sculptures housed in what must have been an old refrigerated warehouse.

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